
Safeguard the deployability of chemical industry workers

Training tools that will contribute to your operational excellence

An environment in which working safely is the number one priority requires a professional training system. Projuice offers all of the necessary tools and support to enable any organisation in the chemical industry to create next-level trainings for its employees, matching initiatives for operational operational excellence. The result is an increase in your chemical company’s Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

Quickly and easily develop training programmes for employees in the chemical industry

New safety guidelines? A modified working process? Projuice enables you to develop all sorts of courses and training programmes by yourself, including e-learnings, on-the-job trainings, Training Within Industry (TWI), and blended formats. Our tools enable you to create a professional training offering with minimum effort.

Real-time insight into employees’ skills

Who can be deployed to which workstations, and what trainings does a particular employee need to complete to be deployable as well? Our skills matrix provides automatic insight into the required skills and deployability of your employees.

Trainings for chemical operators

Projuice is extremely suitable for training chemical industry employees. Our system enables us to offer both general trainings (such as HSE-related ones) and company- and workstation-specific trainings, demonstrably covering the most recent internal work instructions, procedures and quality standards

Przemysł spożywczy
Safety, quality and performance

Przemysł spożywczy

Jeśli higiena i bezpieczeństwo mają gdziekolwiek krytyczne znaczenie to z pewnością w przemyśle spożywczym. Projuice umożliwia Państwa organizacji stałe spełnianie wymagań HACCP oraz w zakresie bezpieczeństwa żywności.

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